Table of contents

  1. Purpose
  2. General
  3. Responsibilities
  4. Procedure
  5. Flowchart
  6. References

1. Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is:


  • to establish and formalize the work process of;

    - capturing Lessons Learned

    - making Lessons Learned readily retrievable in the Organization

    - implementing appropriate corrective measures as a result of Lessons Learned


  • to define responsibilities for the various steps in the Lessons Learned transfer work process.

    This procedure is applicable to Company office and its affiliates.

    2. General


    Lessons Learned and experience gained on projects shall be captured and used in an effective way to continuously improve the work process, systems and tools in our Organization.

    Lessons Learned shall be stored in a central file (electronic and hard copy), readily retrievable by any authorized person in the Organization.

    2.2 Definitions

    Lessons Learned:

    • any experience or observation by project personnel which is accepted by the supervisors of the disciplines involved as being important enough to be communicated to their peers and to be incorporated into the company’s working methods;

    • such experience may be either a negative or positive outcome of a particular course of action.

    Lessons Transfer System:

    • the combination of this procedure, a computer program to store and retrieve Lessons Learned and a central file of hard copies of lessons learned with associated back-up documentation, aimed at effectively transferring Lessons Learned from an isolated project environment into the company wide environment.

    2.3Lessons Transfer Center (LTC)

    A Lessons Transfer Center has been created to establish a supportive Company culture for an affective Lessons Learned work process. It is achieved by:

    • vesting single point overall responsibility in the Lessons Transfer Center for the control of the Lessons Learned transfer process;

    • giving ownership of the Lessons Transfer System to the Lessons Transfer Center with responsibility for quality and retrievability of Lessons Learned data;

    • having a specific cost center for the development and maintenance costs of the Lessons Learned work process and tools.

      The QA Department has been nominated the Lessons Transfer Center.

    2.4Project History Reports

    Additionally, at the end of each project a Project History Report is written (ref. 6.1) This report includes the Final Construction Report and reflects highlights of the project execution.

    Although these reports are distributed in the organization for information and are on file with our library, specific lessons learned are to be reported as indicated in this procedure.

    3. Responsibilities

    Initiator is responsible for:

    • identifying Lessons Learned;

    • the registration and description on the appropriate Lessons Learned Forms and the assembly of back-up documentation;

    • correctness of the data and information given by him on the Lessons Learned Forms;

    Anyone in a project Organization can be a lessons learned initiator.

    Discipline Supervisor is responsible for:

    • ensuring that a lesson initiated in or related to his discipline is conforming to the definition of a Lesson Learned;

    • making a recommendation with regard to corrective measures to be taken, using the appropriate section of the Lessons Learned form;

    • obtaining comments from his Project Manager or Construction Manager, as appropriate;

    • obtaining approvals by the Manager QA, his Project Manager and his Discipline Manager.

    Discipline Manager is responsible for:

    • approving the Lesson Learned;

    • recommending an implementation plan for measures to improve the work process, systems or tools in his discipline as a result of the Lesson Learned, by filling out the appropriate sections of the Lessons Learned Forms.

    Project Manager is responsible for:

    • actively promoting the capturing of Lessons Learned on his project;

    • ensuring that such initiatives are processed in accordance with this procedure.

    Department Manager responsible for:

  • approving the recommended implementation plan;
  • affecting its implementation.

    Manager QA (acting as Manager LTC) is responsible for:
  • ensuring that a Lesson Learned as initiated, is not a duplicate of an earlier Lesson Learned;
  • input into the Lesson Transfer System;
  • periodic company wide reporting of the progress of the implementation of corrective measures related to Lessons Learned;
  • de-activating Lessons Learned in the electronic file when implemented.

    4. Procedure

    4.1 Capture of Lessons Learned

    4.1.1 Initiation

    Anyone in a project Organization must be alert to experiences and developments from which a lesson can be learned. When such potential lesson has been identified, a Lesson Learned must be initiated by filling in the pages 1 and 2 of the Lesson Learned form ref. 6.2.

    To enable eventual easy retrieval, the correct job number and a descriptive lesson title must be filled in. In addition a maximum of 6 representative key words must be selected and filled in.

    The forms will eventually be input into a data base system. They must therefor be short but descriptive and to the point. Exhibits can be used to provide further clarification and back-up information. Exhibits and back-up information will not be entered into a computer system. They will be distributed and filed as hard copy.

    4.1.2Review and Approval

    Upon initial completion the pages 1 and 2 of the Lessons Learned Form shall be reviewed and approved as follows:

    By Initiator:

    • for correctness of data and information given.

    By the Discipline Supervisor:

    • to concur with the Lesson Learned conform the definition;

    • to make a recommendation for improvement of our working methods and procedures. The recommended corrective measures must be specific as to which documents reflecting our working methods and procedures are to be modified or extended, i.e. specific design documents, standards, PPEM-instructions, procedures, guides, tools, training.

    By the Project Manager:

  • to give his comments. It should be noted that the Project Manager cannot approve or disapprove a Lesson Learned.

    By the Manager QA:
  • to confirm that the proposed Lesson Learned is not a duplicate of a previous one;
  • for initial registration.

    By the Discipline Manager:
    • to approve the Lesson Learned and the recommendation for corrective measures.

    4.1.3Registration and Project Filing

    A project register of Lessons Learned initiated on that project shall be maintained. Lessons Learned shall be numbered sequentially with the job number as prefix, i.e.:

    • NNNN NN-LL-001, -LL-002, -LL-003, etc. (current and new jobs).

    The complete Lesson Learned shall be kept in the project file, together with its exhibits and back-up information.

    The master copy shall be filed in a central file owned by the Lessons Transfer Center.


    By: Project Manager

    To: Lesson Transfer Center: Lessons Learned Forms (hard copy or electronically) + exhibits (hard copy).

    Discipline Manager of discipline involved: Lessons Learned Forms + exhibits (hard copy).

    4.2 Implementation of Lessons Learned


    The Discipline Manager shall have the Lessons Learned Implementation Plan form completed, ref. 6.3. Exhibits to clarify and back-up the estimates and justification may be used. Exhibits and back-up information will not be entered into a computer system. They will be distributed and filed as hard copy.

    Upon approval, the Lessons Learned Implementation Plan form, duly signed, shall be distributed and the implementation of the corrective measures affected.

    4.2.2Review and Approval

    When the Lessons Learned Implementation Plan form is completed (including its justification) it shall be reviewed and approved as follows:

    By the Discipline Manger;

    • for correctness of estimates and basis of justification.

    By: Discipline Manager

    • to approve the implementation of the corrective measures

    4.2.3 Distribution

    By: Discipline Manager

    To: Lesson Transfer Center: Lessons Learned Forms + exhibits (hard copy).

    Project Manager of originating project: Lessons Learned Forms only (hard copy).

    Initiator: Lessons Learned Forms only (hard copy).

    4.3 Transfer of Lessons Learned

    4.3.1 General

    The transfer of Lessons Learned is affected by distributing a hard copy of every Lesson Learned to the relevant Discipline for implementation and by making every Lesson Learned available in a public data base system from which it can be readily retrieved by every body in our Organization who is authorized to do so.

    Once a Lessons Learned has been implemented, the lesson has been learned and the related documents shall be moved from the active part of the data base to an inactive part of the data base. Thus the active part remains relatively small and manageable, while files in the in-active part still remain retrievable if and when specifically required.

    4.3.2Registration, Input, Central Filing

    The Lessons Transfer Center shall maintain a register of all Lessons Learned as approved by the Discipline Managers. The register shall contain as a minimum, Job Number, Lesson Number, Lesson Title, status of approvals.

    A hard copy of Lessons Learned and their associated exhibits and back-up documentation shall be filed in a central file by Job Number and Lesson Learned Number.

    The Lessons Learned Forms shall be entered into the Lessons Learned Data Base. The system will automatically activate these files so that they become retrievable by the users.

    Once a Lesson Learned has been implemented, the lesson shall be classified “in-active” in the Lessons Learned Data Base.



    4.3.4 Follow-up on the Lessons LearnedWork Process

    The Manager QA shall monitor the progress of the implementation process of Lessons Learned and report the status to Company Management on a monthly basis.

    For this purpose the Department Managers shall make the relevant information available to the Manager QA.

    5. Flowchart




    6. References


    Document Number





    Production of Project History Reports




    Lessons Learned




    Lessons Learned Implementation Plan
